Tall boy roulette drinking game rules

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You may not hold alcoholic drinks in your right hand. The simplest game of them all because it only has one rule:

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Yes we know we just said top 10, but this is a classic game drinking game worth mentioning. So without further ado, College Experience will now unveil the top 10 list: I’m assuming these drinking riddles were probably filthy Chinese riddles – one can only hope they were. In ancient China, the first drinking games consisted of dice and solving riddles. Oh yes, drinking games are undoubtedly as old as the existance of our various forms intoxicating brews. Real men don’t need a reason to pound the sauce, but for the little girls out there the simple solution, young Jedis – are drinking games. “But Big Smoke,” you young co-eds might implore, “how do we go about consuming ridiculous amounts of cheap swill? We can’t drink for the sake of drinking!” And honestly, when is the last time Hitler or the crazy cat lady from down the street was invited for a frat kegger?

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Anyone who disagrees with this statement, is quite possibly worse than Hitler – or probably owns an exorbitant amount of cats. College is all about consuming ridiculous amounts of inexpensive booze.

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